Friday, October 7, 2011

Herman Cain

Herman Cain is one of the republican candidates that are running to win the presidential primary. He was the CEO of godfather's pizza, and the chairman of the federal reserve bank of Kansas City. I am not very interested in his political campaign, it is the comment he gave a few days or weeks ago about African Americans being brain washed. I heard on msnbc that Herman Cain stated that African Americans have been brainwashed by democrats to vote only for democrats. He did not mean to imply that African Americans do not know how to make smart decisions; he simply meant that they only believe in democratic policies and do not even take into consideration policies proposed by republicans.  Statistically speaking, the majority of African Americans do vote for democrats, but I am not sure if they discard republican policies in the same way that Herman Cain thinks they do. He is right about the fact that most of them vote for democrats, and that most of them do not approve of republican policies, but I believe that they do take those policies into consideration when making their decisions. I wonder how he is going to explain his statement in the future of his campaign, and I wonder if it might cause problems for his future political campaigns.